Week 5: Witches and The Crucible

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In high school, my literature teacher made us read the Crucible, a 1953 play written by Arthur Miller taking place in in Salem during the witch trials. It’s not hard to say that the story wasn’t so much about actual witches, but the fear and mass panic that arrive from the accusations. Witches in the Crucible can be likened to vampires in the way that one can emerge from the community and eventually the corruption will spread until all is not but unholy, so the Van Hellsing solution was a popular remedy for the situation. So while the Crucible isn’t about witches but rather society I thought it was a great story about the myth revolving around witches and how that society reacts to a ‘monster’ of that particular make. This is because the monsters we make are often the ones which directly oppose everything we stand for, so colonial America had their monster witches be rebellious girls who decided to practice dark sorceries as affronts and mockeries to God.
