Week 12: Diversity in SciFi and Lilith's Brood

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           Lillith’s Brood by Octavia Butler weirded me out a bit, mostly because I have a preconception of gender which doesn’t include what the Ooloi are. I was excited to start reading it because I heard it was inspiration for one of my favorite shows, Falling Skies. But I couldn’t get past the one fourth mark for time’s sake though I read a synopsis to crudely complete my understanding of the novel. Also, the narrator for the audiobook Audible had really creeped me out. I thought it was cool how the Ooloi turn reproduction into a sinister, corrupting political move for the Oankali to make, turning the birth of a child as a cause for celebration to a power move which subjugates the human parent. The parallels between the Ooloi reproduction cycles and the interbreeding between Latin American natives and European colonists are so present as well though that idea might need me to read the novel entirely for me to defend it.
