Week 8: Contemporary Urban SciFi and Coraline

Image result for coraline

I’ve said in a post a few weeks ago that we make our own monsters out of the very fears we harbor, or something like that. Which is why Coraline was one of the stories that hurt me the most. I hate to get personal about this but its all I can think of and therefore write about. I always knew something was wrong with my mother, from the rapid mood swings, to the regular petty retributions against things my family said, to the downright sinister urge to control every aspect of our lives amongst many other things. Coraline scared me because when I first watched it I had hoped the mother I had was my real mother, and that the only mother I had wasn’t my other mother. Took me a lot of time and words to realize she was sick, no matter what I did or said could make her understand that I needed to take care of myself so I did what was hardest. I completely cut myself off from her. Often times the best way to get rid of the monster is to run as far away as possible, its a bloody shame that the only mom I had was my other one.
